Microsystems & Nanoengineering/Springer Nature
Aerospace Information Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Science
No.19 North Fourth Ring Road West
Beijing, 100190 CHINA
phone: +86-10-5888-7063 mine@aircas.ac.cn www.nature.com/micronano
Microsystems & Nanoengineering is an open access and fully peer-reviewed journal which publishes original articles and reviews on cutting-edge and emerging topics related to MEMS/ NEMS and nanotechnology. The Journal is the first engineering journal initiated by Nature Publishing Group (now part of Springer Nature) and Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014. The Journal is abstracted & indexed by SCIE, Ei, PubMed Central, Scopus, DOAJ, etc. The 2021 impact factor is 7.127 (Q1). The number of days in Year 2020 from Submission to acceptance is 143 days.