Sponsors » Current Support

Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc.
No. 2, R&D Road 6, Science-Based Industrial Park
Hsinchu, 300 TAIWAN
phone: +886-3-666-1188

Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc. has been dedicated to providing Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) foundry service for over 15 years. Differentiating from IC foundries, MEMS foundry focuses on developing 3-dimentional microstructures and/or integrated optical, mechanical and electrical microchips. These include devices such as pressure and environmental sensors, silicon oscillators, optical actuators, silicon optical bench and micro fluidic structures. From the accumulated experience acquired in development and mass production of various MEMS devices, we are enabled to serve the numerous customers from different industries including consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, telecommunication, and biomedical sectors. In the future, APM plans to continue serving as a solution provider for customers in need of professional development and production of micromachined devices.


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