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Topics Covered

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Advance Program

MEMS 2007 Program

MEMS 2006 Program

Topics Covered

  1. Fabrication and Packaging Technologies
    Etching and deposition processes; 3-D fabrication; bonding; process integration; surface modification; batch packaging; micro assembly; self assembly.

  2. Materials and Device Characterization
    New materials; known materials under new operating conditions; measurement of material properties; calibration and compensation; failure analysis; degradation mechanisms and drift; reliability.

  3. Biomedical and Chemical Micro Sensors and Systems
    Micro-total-analysis systems; implantable devices; drug delivery; micro-PCR systems; chemical and biochemical sensors and systems.

  4. Mechanical and Physical Sensors and Systems
    Sensors and systems for inertial forces (accelerometers, gyroscopes, shock sensors), pressure, force, stress; resonant sensors and systems; electromagnetic (non-optical) sensors and systems; acoustic sensors and systems; thermal devices and systems.

  5. Design, Simulation, and Theoretical Concepts with Experimental Verification
    Synthesis and analysis methods; design techniques for devices and systems; CAD tools; modeling approaches with experimental verification; theoretical concepts in sensing; actuation and system integration.

  6. Micro-Fluidic Components and Systems
    Microchannel gas and liquid flows; electrokinetics; mixing; two-phase flows; suspension flows, droplet and bubble dynamics; flow separation and vortex dynamics.

  7. Micro-Actuators
    Pumps and valves; springs and grippers; motors; beam and membrane actuators; MEMS-based robotics.

  8. Optical and RF MEMS
    Mirrors; optical sensors; wave-guides; filters; antennas; inductors and varactors; phase shifters; switches; optical and RF MEMS based systems.

  9. Energy and Power MEMS
    Miniaturized fuel cells; power generators; microturbines; thrusters.

  10. Nano-Electro-Mechanical Devices and Systems
    Carbon-nanotubes; molecular machinery; nanoelectronic devices with sensing applications; connection of nanoscale devices to the micro and macro world.

  11. Miscellaneous

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