For abstract submission please follow the three-step procedure as outlined:
Submit your abstract/author information to secure your Abstract Reference Number. This is mandatory. By doing so you will communicate to the organizers your contact information and your intention to submit your work to the conference, and you will help us to easily identify your abstract. Subsequently, you may also modify and re-submit previously submitted data using the Abstract Identification Number. The abstract pre-registration process will close on August 16, 2005 at 11.59 p.m. Honolulu, Hawaii time.
Write your abstract. The page limit is two pages. The first page should include title, authors, affiliations, technical description, and word count. The second page should include figures and photographs. Contact information and references can be on either page. Back-to-back printing is requested. If not, please staple. Text on the first page should be limited to 600 words.
The header line of the first page should contain the Abstract Identification Number, the authors' preference for poster presentation (if applicable), and the appropriate abstract category from the list below.
Print out 25 copies of the abstract. Check the printouts and in
particular verify that the Abstract Identification Number is correctly
included. Hardcopies are due at PMMI on August 16th. The abstracts will be sent to the reviewers on August 18th. Send the package to:
IEEE MEMS 2006 Conference
c/o Preferred Meeting Management, Inc. (PMMI)
307 Laurel Street
San Diego, CA 92101-1630 USA
In the past, the IEEE MEMS Conferences have used Kinko's as an option to print out and deliver the abstracts to the conference. Due to Kinko's ineffectiveness of the international submissions and the fact that the Review Committee requires hard copy submissions, PMMI will now accept and print out on high quality laser paper the 25 copies of your abstracts for 29.00 US Dollars for Black & White copies or 35.00 US Dollars for Color copies. PMMI will need to receive payment for your printing before they will process your print job.
To use this option, submit your files to Print My Abstract Submission. In order to ensure the quality and integrity of the printed documents, please provide PDF files ONLY and other files formats will not be accepted and could cause delays in the submission of your abstract.For those using Word, once your paper is finished, use Adobe Acrobat Distiller and be sure to embed fonts and graphics.
Name your file ID.pdf, where ID denotes the Abstract Reference Number and this number should be a four-digit number. Examples of valid names are 0001.pdf, 0423.pdf, etc. Please contact PMMI if you cannot locate your number.
If you have any problems with this process or have any special circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact Sara Stearns or Katharine Cline at 1-619-232-9499 or
FAX submissions of your abstract will not be accepted. The deadline for receipt of Abstracts either by mail or by PMMI's print option is August 16, 2005.This is a firm deadline.
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