MEMS 2006 Istanbul
WelcomeGeneral InfoOrganizationProgramAuthorsExhibitionAttendeesIstanbulContact

  1. Design, Analysis, and Theoretical Concepts with Experimental Verification
    Synthesis and analysis methods; design techniques for devices and systems; CAD tools; modelling approaches with experimental verification; theoretical concepts in sensing; actuation and system integration.
  2. Materials and Device Characterization
    New materials; known materials under new operating conditions; measurement of properties; calibration and compensation; failure analysis; degradation mechanisms and drift; reliability.
  3. Fabrication and Packaging Technologies
    Etching and deposition processes; 3-D fabrication, bonding; process integration; surface modification; batch packaging; micro-assembly.
  4. Biomedical and Chemical Micro Sensors and Systems
    Micro-total-analysis systems; implantable devices; drug delivery; micro-PCR systems; chemical and biochemical sensors; microfluidic systems.
  5. Mechanical and Physical Micro Sensors and Systems
    Inertial (accelerometers, gyroscopes, shock sensors); resonant; force, pressure, and shear; electromagnetic (non-optical); acoustic; thermal devices and systems.
  6. Actuators
    Mechanical actuators (electrostatic, thermal, acoustic, piezoelectric, magnetic, phase transition based); pumps, valves.
  7. Micro-Optical Devices and Systems
    Mirrors; gratings; switching arrays; beam and phase shaping devices; communication subsystems.
  8. Wireless Communication Micro Devices and Systems (non-optical)
    RF/millimeter wave/micro wave components; switches; filters; sensor network communication.
  9. Nanoelectromechanical Devices and Systems
    Carbon-nanotubes; molecular machinery; nanoelectronic devices with sensing applications; connection of nanoscale devices to the micro and macro world.
  10. Power MEMS & Energy Harvesting
    Microminiaturized fuel cells, power generators, microturbines, thrusters.
  11. Miscellaneous
If your work does not exactly match with one of the keywords indicated, please chose the most closely related category. In ambiguous cases, the technical program committee may assign a category according to its own judgment and in view of overall program considerations.

IEEE-MEMS conference does not accept papers published at other international conferences or journals. If your paper is published before November 1, 2005 at any international conference or journal and if it does not contain substantially new information, your contribution will be withdrawn automatically. This will happen even if you have been notified about abstract acceptance before!

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